Yesterday afternoon when I was cleaning out the garage, I took an unexpected side trip down memory lane: I opened up a cupboard and found buckets of pastel sidewalk chalk, colorful sandbox toys, a pair of tiny roller blades, pink flowered knee pads, and two rolls of yellow kite string -- all sweet mementos of my daughter's childhood.
The string reminded me of the times we flew kites when she was a little girl. There is nothing quite like the feel of a kite tugging and swooping at the end of a string! I had just started scrapbooking back then and remember making a page about one of our kite-flying days in her grandparents' backyard.
The string reminded me of the times we flew kites when she was a little girl. There is nothing quite like the feel of a kite tugging and swooping at the end of a string! I had just started scrapbooking back then and remember making a page about one of our kite-flying days in her grandparents' backyard.
Speaking of kites, the gals at Memory Bound put up the cutest kite display this past week! The large kites are made from a full sheet of double-sided paper. They added kite "tails" made of twine and tied with matching ribbon and also made a tiny kite for a card. I think the kites would be a super cute decoration for a summer party or even a child's room. And of course, small kites would be a perfect embellishment on a spring or summer scrapbook page!
Instructions for the kites are posted with the display, so you'll be making kites in no time! The idea came from Card Creations Volume 9 ($14.99). It's full of new designs for every occasion and holiday.
Back to that cupboard I was telling you about: It's been a very time since we have used the things I found there, given that our daughter just finished her freshman year in college! But being an overly sentimental mom, I'm not quite ready to part with them yet. So I closed the cupboard and left my memories inside.
Then I took a deep breath and turned my attention to my husband's part of the garage where, I might add, I found PLENTY of things to part with! :)
Instructions for the kites are posted with the display, so you'll be making kites in no time! The idea came from Card Creations Volume 9 ($14.99). It's full of new designs for every occasion and holiday.
Back to that cupboard I was telling you about: It's been a very time since we have used the things I found there, given that our daughter just finished her freshman year in college! But being an overly sentimental mom, I'm not quite ready to part with them yet. So I closed the cupboard and left my memories inside.
Then I took a deep breath and turned my attention to my husband's part of the garage where, I might add, I found PLENTY of things to part with! :)
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